



Windows Forensics 1

Introduction to Windows Registry Forensics


[문제 풀이]

Task 1) Introduction to Computer Forensics for Windows


What is the most used Desktop Operationg System right now?

답) Microsoft Windows

Task 2) Windows Registry and Forensics

What is the short form for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE?


Task3) Accessing registry hives offline

What is the path for the five main registry hives, DEFAULT, SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, and SYSTEM?

답) C:\Windows\System32\Config


What is the path for the AmCache hive?

답) C:\Windows\AppCompat\Programs\Amcache.hve

Task 6) System Information and System Accounts

What is the Current Build Number of the machine whose data is being investigated?

답: 19044



Which ControlSet contains the last known good configuration?

답: 1


What is the Computer Name of the computer?

답: THM-4N6


What is the value of the TimeZoneKeyName?

답: Pakistan Standard Time


What is the DHCP IP address


What is the RID of the Guest User account?

답: 501

Task 7) Usage or knowledge of files/folders

When was EZtools opened?

답: 2021-15-01 13:00:34

At what time was My Computer last interacted with?

답: 2021-12-01 13:06:47

What is the Absolute Path of the file opened using notepad.exe?

답: C:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Settings


When was this file opened?

답: 2021-11-30 10:56:19

Task 8) Evidence of Execution

How many times was the File Explorer launched?

답: 26


What is another name for ShimCache?

답: AppCompatCache


Which of the artifacts also saves SHA1 hashes of the executed programs?

답: AmCache


Which of the artifacts saves the full path of the executed programs?


Task 9) External Devices/USB device forensics

What is the serial number of the device from the manufacturer 'Kingston'?

답: 1C6f654E59A3B0C179D366AE&0


What is the name of this device?

답: Kingston Data Traveler 2.0 USB Device



What is the friendly name of the device from the manufacturer 'Kingston'?

답: USB

Task 10) Hands-on Challenge

  • 먼저 RegistryExplorer을 run as administrator로 해서 실행한다.
  • 그다음 C:\Windows\System32\Config 디렉터리에서 SAM, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM을 로드해야 한다.
  • SOFTWARE랑 SYSTEM을 로드를 하라고 하면 "Dirty hive detected" 팝업이 뜨면 "no"를 선택하고 "replay transaction logs against this hive" 팝업이 뜨면 "yes"를 선택한다.

  • 그다음 1~3번 문제를 풀기 위해 SAM에서 Users 경로를 확인했습니다.

How many user create accounts are present on the system?

답: 3


What is the username of the account that has never been logged in?

답:  thm-user2


What's the password hint for the user THM-4n6?

답: count


아래 문제들은 다음에 이어서...

When was the file 'Changelog.txt' accessed?

What is the complete path from where the python 3.8.2 installer was run?

When was the USB device with the friendly name 'USB' last connected?



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